SH2-94 (Sharpless 94 )

Sh2-94 is a very faint nebula which is part of a supernova remnant which includes Sh2-91 and SH2-96. Not sure if a larger telescope will have any advantage but the area where the oxygen III tends to be the brightest area and where most of the finer structure is located. Since the OIII and SII picks up well, a narrowband color image works very well. Using the H-Alpha channel is the best way to create a color image because the RGB is very hard to capture and most of the nebula shows up in the red filter. If you have a fast system with a wide field of view you can pick up the surrounding nebula around SH2-94.

For a complete list of the Sharpless Catalog visit my main site at

Image using SII for red, HA green, OIII Blue

Images by Dean Salman