SH2-54 (Sharpless 54 )

This is a large nebula that needs a bit of exposure to pick up the high contrast. There is no reflection nebula in the area, so the Hydrogen Alpha filter works very well here. It will look as if it is picking up very well, but it really needs the time to get good S/N. I would also use a lot of color RGB filters on this because the H-Alpha luminance will be very strong compared to what you will get with the RGB. I did not pick up much at all using a clear filter, so I stuck with the H-Alpha. This is a fairly large area, so you need a field of view around 3 degrees to get it all. However, the small brighter part of the nebula looks like a good object for a larger telescope capturing the fine detail of the small bright nebula seen on the lower left area.

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Images by Dean Salman