(Flame Nebula
SH2-277, also known as NGC 2024 or more commonly know as The Flame Nebula, is an interesting object that is imaged very often. Many software programs point the telescope to another famous object known as the Horsehead Nebula, but the Sharpless paper places SH2-277 clearly at the Flame Nebula. Therefore, a wide field of view captures what is a common picture among imagers, the Flame and Horsehead nebulae as seen here. The Flame reacts very well with the Hydrogen-Alpha channel, but it is really not needed considering how bright the object is and how much green and blue is also picked up. It can work as a narrowband image using the SII/HA/OIII; however, it is not rich in OIII, so only the very brightest area creates a good narrowband image. The image I took using the narrowband filters was H-Alpha for red, OIII for green, and Helium II for blue. The main display was taken with the wide field telescope to capture both the Flame and Horsehead nebula. The color image only shows the Flame taken with a larger telescope.
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Taken with E-180 F/2.8 astrograph
The Horsehead Nebula is mistaken as SH2-277 but is a great nebula to image. Taken with 8 inch F/4 astrograph