SH2-234 (IC 417 )

This common imaged object sits in the middle of SH2-230 which also includes Sh2-236 and SH2-229, also known as the Flaming Star. This is the smallest of the group and is the brighter nebula near the bottom of the image. The rest of the nebula is SH2-230 and a small part of SH2-236 can be seen near the right corner. This object is better imaged with a larger telescope because of its size, but as you can see in the wider field of view you get quite a nice image. Messier 38 is just outside the image view so a larger field of view would also pick up that open star cluster. This nebula responds very well to the hydrogen-alpha filter but you need a lot of color exposure to colorize the nebula well. I believe this would also make for a good narrowband color image with OIII and SII.

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Images by Dean Salman