(Second Closest Planetary
This very large planetary nebula is the second closest to earth and is very faint. You will only see a trace of it after a short exposure. You need to spend a lot of time on this object, and the Hydrogen-Alpha is the best filter to use. You could make a narrowband color image because there is a trace of OIII that will be recorded, but the time required to create the image would most likely not be worth it because of how little there is of it. The narrowband version I did was using H-Alpha for red, OIII for green, and HeII for blue. The small amount of yellow in that image shows where the OIII is. You need a good deal of color with the RGB filters since the HA luminance can be very long with exposure time. The object is fairly large as well, and the field of view in the image is 3 by 2 degrees. This image was published in Sky & Telescope’s Beautiful Universe 2008 and Astronomy Magazine September 2006.
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