SH2-199 (Soul Nebula )

This is another famous object that narrowband images shoot and goes by the common name Soul Nebula. Although it does ok with standard LRGB filters, the hydrogen-alpha is really what brings out the details and structure of this object. You can also see another small Sharpless object on the left side, this is sh2-201 and is an interesting one for those larger telescopes. This nebula also responds to the OIII and SII narrowband filters, so it makes a great SII, H-Alpha, and OIII for the RGB channels. To capture this entire image with my ST-10 CCD, I created a two-image mosaic. With a large format camera, you should get the entire object in the field of view. Using a very large field of view, you can capture both the Heart and Soul Nebula in one frame.

For a complete list of the Sharpless Catalog visit my main site at

Images by Dean Salman